Two Great Open Ed Announcements in One Post!

WiLS staff

Wisconsin Library Association logoFirst, did you know that there is a Special Interest Group in WLA called COW?

It’s the Community for Open Wisconsin, and, I am their WLA Board liaison! COW is a very new group and is hoping for more members from across the Wisconsin Library spectrum. If you want to learn more about COW and their goals for a more open Wisconsin, please contact Bob Butterfield of UW-Stout (

Second, as the COW liaison, Kris Turner ( is excited to invite you, on COW’s behalf, to attend the upcoming “E”ffordability Summit from March 26-27 at UW-Stout.

More information about the Summit can be found on their website:

This Summit is a great opportunity to learn more about collaboration, sharing and creativity, all in the name of helping out our student patrons.  And guess what: there is no cost to register!