Alverno Open Reserve Textbook Collection

WiLS staff

Alverno College logoIn a recent article in College & Research Libraries News, Alverno College librarian Dolores Skowronek described a new pilot project being undertaken by the library. A recent survey indicated that 62% of Alverno seniors had gone without a textbook due to cost. The library wanted to try to help students with textbook affordability.

As Skowronek points out, “offering Open Educational Resources (OER) and other textbook alternatives would be ideal, however, advocating for campus-wide acceptance and implementation of OER can be a lengthy and time-consuming process.” So, in order to offer immediate relief from the financial burden of expensive textbooks, Alverno librarians chose to offer a physical textbook collection.

We think this is a great idea worth sharing. While WiLS is strongly in favor of OER initiatives, we recognize that there can be obstacles to implementation. Skowronek’s article details their process in building this collection as a step in the right direction towards helping students with this urgent need. It’s also yet another great example of just how important the campus library is!