WiLS is excited to announce a new partnership with Pressbooks, bringing our cooperative purchasing service members a 30% discount on PressbooksEDU Silver networks!
PressbooksEDU provides your institution’s open educational resource production program with:
- Easy-to-use software on which to produce your institution’s open resources
- A way to distribute open textbooks to students and learners and showcase your institution’s open resource library
- The tools to create a variety of book formats that learners can access in their preferred modalities, including mobile and offline access and interoperable formats
- Access to features like H5P (for quizzes), MathJax, QuickLaTeX, TablePress, and others that enable instructors and instructional designers to build interactivity into each book
- The cloning tool, that lets you clone and adapt any public, openly licensed book on any Pressbooks network instantly onto your own network
- Ability to view usage data on your network through integration with Google Analytics
- Premium technical support for your designated support contacts and extensive ongoing training for both support contacts and users across your institution
- And more!
For more information about what’s available with a PressbooksEDU Silver plan, visit https://pressbooks.com/
Questions? Contact us at coop@wils.org.