ALA Libraries Transforming Communities Upper Midwest Hub

In 2021 and 2022, WiLS facilitated a regional hub to offer support for grantees in ALA’s Libraries Transforming Communities program in community engagement. The hub was made up of about 50 participating libraries from Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Indiana, and explored relevant topics and navigated shared challenges together.

The hub members were libraries that had been awarded grants from ALA to support community engagement in their small and/or rural communities around the Upper Midwest. Learn more about the Libraries Transforming Communities grant program, view case studies about how libraries used grant resources to host conversations with community members, and check out grantees’ well-deserved bragging rights in our celebratory “brag deck.”

Meet the Team

Laura Damon-Moore

Laura Damon-Moore


Kristen Whitson headshot

Kristen Whitson
