APP Community Memory Cohort 2 Visits Washington, D.C.

WiLS staff

Over the past three years, WiLS has served as a mentor organization for two cohorts of small and rural libraries undertaking community memory projects, thanks to the Accelerating Promising Practices funding opportunity from IMLS. (For more information on the program, check out our previous blog posts here and here.) The second cohort began their work… READ MORE

IMLS APP Cohort: Celebrating two years of community memory work

Documenting Our Lineage Huna Heritage Foundation Illustration of Raven and Eagle
WiLS staff

In Fall 2019, WiLS began a cooperative agreement with the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) to mentor a cohort of ten small, rural, and tribal libraries around the country awarded grants for community memory projects. This summer, as they head into the home stretch of their grants, cohort members have shared short presentations… READ MORE