Advocacy Alert: ALA Advocacy Alert: Contact the House and Ask Your Rep. to #FundLibraries by March 28

WiLS staff

The White House budget proposal for FY2020 has, for a third time, proposed elimination of federal funding for libraries. This year’s “Dear Appropriator” letters have started to circulate in the House, asking Representatives to preserve more than $210 million in federal library funding. One letter asks members of the House Appropriations Committee to fully fund the… READ MORE

Advocacy Alert: Museum and Library Services Act

WiLS staff

Please email your Senators and your Representative and urge them to cosponsor the Museum and Library Services Act. S. 3530 and H.R. 6988 equitably distribute Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds to large and small states, expands eligibility for tribal libraries, supports disaster readiness, and reinforces ALA’s message that strong communities need strong libraries.”… READ MORE

IMLS Funding Updates: Successes and Calls for Action

WiLS staff

The ALA and libraries had several major wins in Washington recently, but we still need your help! Successes: Congress passes the Marrakesh Treaty Implementation Act. On Wednesday, Congress signed off and sent this legislation to the President for signature. This Act will exponentially increase the availability of accessible reading materials to Americans and people around… READ MORE