Call to Action: Ask Senators to Protect LSTA and IAL Funding

WiLS staff

Now that the “Dear Appropriator” letters have started to circulate in the Senate, it’s time to ask Senators to preserve over $210 million in federal library funding. One letter asks the Senate Appropriations Committee to fully fund the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) and the second letter asks for full funding for the Innovative… READ MORE

2019 Federal Budget Call to Action

WiLS staff

This week “Dear Appropriator” letters have started to circulate in the House, asking Representatives to preserve at least $210 million in federal library funding. One letter asks members of the House Appropriations Committee to fully fund the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) and the second does the same for the Innovative Approaches to Literacy… READ MORE

WiLS Wonders: Fines Edition

WiLS staff

At February’s Membership Meeting, many of our members reported that they were removing barriers to their libraries by reducing or eliminating fines. WiLS wonders, are you reconsidering your approach to overdue materials? If so, what are you thinking about or doing? Tell us and read what others have said here!… READ MORE

Alverno Open Reserve Textbook Collection

WiLS staff

In a recent article in College & Research Libraries News, Alverno College librarian Dolores Skowronek described a new pilot project being undertaken by the library. A recent survey indicated that 62% of Alverno seniors had gone without a textbook due to cost. The library wanted to try to help students with textbook affordability. As Skowronek points out,… READ MORE