Two Great Open Ed Announcements in One Post!

WiLS staff

First, did you know that there is a Special Interest Group in WLA called COW? It’s the Community for Open Wisconsin, and, I am their WLA Board liaison! COW is a very new group and is hoping for more members from across the Wisconsin Library spectrum. If you want to learn more about COW and their goals for a more open… READ MORE

“E”ffordability Summit 2018 Announced

WiLS staff

The Call for Presentations and Registration is open for University of Wisconsin-Stout‘s “E”ffordability Summit for “anyone concerned with the cost of educational materials.” Read more about the “E”ffordability Summit programs, submit a presentation by February 1st, and register to attend by February 15th! The Summit will be held March 26-27.… READ MORE

Libraries, Presses, and Publishing Survey

WiLS staff

In July of 2017, a team of researchers carried out an ARL SPEC Survey. The survey gathers information on the breadth of practice taking place at the intersection of research libraries, presses, and publishing, and on the blurring of boundaries as libraries engage in publishing and press activities in new ways. We haven’t had a… READ MORE

Peter Suber on BOAI 15

WiLS staff

The Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) turned 15 years old this year. As 2017 comes to a close, Richard Poynder, a scholarly communication journalist, asked the following question of several leading voices in the movement: “what should the stakeholders of scholarly communication be doing now to fully realise the vision outlined at the Budapest meeting?” We’re still reading many… READ MORE

Alverno Open Reserve Textbook Collection

WiLS staff

In a recent article in College & Research Libraries News, Alverno College librarian Dolores Skowronek described a new pilot project being undertaken by the library. A recent survey indicated that 62% of Alverno seniors had gone without a textbook due to cost. The library wanted to try to help students with textbook affordability. As Skowronek points out,… READ MORE