Introducing Taco Tuesdays!

WiLS staff

WiLS Taco (Talking about Coop Opportunities) Tuesdays are free and virtual webinars served in bite-sized pieces so our members can learn about the valuable products and services being offered by our vendor partners. Beginning in February 2019, and held every other month on the first Tuesday, we will present a series of 10-minute presentations by… READ MORE

GoodWiLS Ambassador to UMDCC: Jessica Behrman

WiLS staff

Join WiLS and UW-Madison iSchool student Jessica Behrman in a webinar at 10:00 am on Monday, December 17 to hear her takeaways from the 2018 Upper Midwest Digital Collections Conference in St. Paul. As a GoodWiLS Ambassador to the UMDCC conference, Jessica will share her experience with WiLS members, what she learned from the speakers and presentations, and what she’s… READ MORE