WiLSWorld Shorts: What WiLS Does

WiLS staff

This WiLSWorld Shorts was held on Friday, December 2nd at 1:00 pm CT. You can view the slides or watch the recording on our YouTube channel.

Many of you have worked with WiLS before: on cooperative purchasing or strategic planning or participating in consortia that WiLS manages. But so many times, in working with libraries and cultural organizations on one service and referencing another, we hear, “I didn’t know WiLS did that!” So we thought we’d put together a handy WiLSWorld Shorts of the many ways that WiLS services save our member community time and money that you might not already know about.

In this WiLSWorld Shorts on Friday, December 2nd at 1:00 pm CT, you’ll learn about:

  • Collaboration services that help libraries and cultural organizations work together to get things done on national, state, and regional levels.
  • Consulting services that are built to affordably get libraries and cultural organizations the answers and roadmaps they need without sacrificing expert quality. 
  • Cooperative purchasing services that save libraries and cultural organizations time and money through vendor relationships and customized, streamlined service.

Register to attend and bring a colleague who might not be familiar with WiLS! We encourage you to attend any or all parts of the presentation and welcome your questions, too. 


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