Strategic Plan Activation

A strategic plan helps libraries make big decisions, from how to wisely use their budgets to make the maximum difference in their communities, to having a clear pathway to achieving goals. However, a strategic plan must be “lived” in order to work toward the library’s strategic goals. In addition to our strategic plan development offerings, we also offer tools and processes to keep your plan alive, manageable, and relevant for its lifespan.

How WiLS Strategic Plan Activation service has impacted Wisconsin libraries

Tools and processes to keep strategic plans active help Wisconsin libraries work toward their big strategic goals in a concrete, and manageable way. Prioritization activities to help libraries determine when to do what are key in ensuring that libraries are not overwhelmed, while calendar templates and status trackers help ensure good communication about the plan across the library and with community stakeholders, too.

Have an idea? Here’s how to get started with WiLS Strategic Plan Activation.

Contact Melissa McLimans at or Laura Damon-Moore at to learn more!