Bloom’s Literature

Vendor: Infobase
Library Type: Academic, K-12, Public, Special
Resource Type: Database
Subject/Category: Humanities

Bloom’s Literature is the definitive source for literary analysis, criticism, and research guidance. It offers reference articles, performance videos, author interviews, podcasts, full-text literary works, and more, all covering literary subjects that range from frequently studied authors and works to multicultural classics to contemporary literature.

Log in to Bloom’s Literature to find:

• Thousands of in-depth articles on authors, famous works, popular characters, literary movements, and historical events that help place literature in context.

• A Shakespeare Center that offers all things William Shakespeare in one convenient location. Here you can find the full, searchable text of all his plays; performance videos; scholarly criticism; extensive background articles; “How to Write about William Shakespeare” entries; essay topics; and more.

• Our Literary Classics eBook shelf, which contains the full contents of 1,000+ classic works, including The Great Gatsby, Jane Eyre, the novels of Jane Austen and Charles Dickens, and much more.

• Publishers Weekly interviews and profiles, both print and podcast, from 1989 to the present, covering literary prizewinners, YA novelists, best sellers, poets, nonfiction writers, and more.

• More than 1,300 full-length literary videos, including classic feature-film performances, such as Orson Welles and Laurence Olivier starring in Shakespeare plays; BBC adaptations of novels such as Pride and Prejudice; famous stage productions; interviews with major contemporary authors; and more.