Films on Demand

Vendor: Infobase
Library Type: Academic, Special
Resource Type: Video
Subject/Category: General & Interdisciplinary

Films On Demand provides colleges and universities with the best in streaming educational video, including Oscar®, Emmy, and Peabody Award-winning content from HBO®, A&E, PBS, BBC Learning, National Geographic, TED, California Newsreel, and more than 1,500 other outstanding international producers. Films On Demand’s Master Academic Package gives your students and educators access to more than 36,000 videos—many of which you can’t find anywhere else—selected by educators with the aim of meeting the unique instructional needs of every subject taught on your campus. More than 700 distinct areas of study are covered within more than 25 core subject areas designed to mirror the academic curriculum.

Our advertisement-free platform comes complete with features that make it ideal to use in instruction, from easy integration with LibGuides and LMSs to the ability to create interactive quizzes to gauge engagement and learning. Educators can also create playlists and upload their own customized introductions for students to watch anywhere, anytime—ideal for distance learning and late-night, last-minute research. All this is delivered on a platform with the speed and performance that today’s online experience demands.

Thousands of institutions rely on Films On Demand for the educational video their students need to flourish in academia and beyond. Try it today to see it for yourself.