Financial Literacy

Vendor: Rosen
Library Type: K-12, Public
Resource Type: Database, Video
Subject/Category: Business, Career Guidance

Financial Literacy is a content-driven, visually stimulating, and media-rich online economics and personal finance resource specifically designed for students in grades 7–12. Maintaining the gold standard set by Rosen Digital's inaugural product, Teen Health & Wellness: Real Life, Real Answers, Financial Literacy delivers curriculum-correlated content; promotes digital literacy and 21st-century learning skills; and offers research, report, and homework help.

Developed for teen learners with their unique learning styles and sensibilities in mind, Financial Literacy features a straightforward, easy-to-navigate interface. Teen-friendly articles make economics and personal finance both readily comprehensible and highly engaging. Dynamic videos and relevant photos enhance and extend learning. Financial tools and interactive calculators give teens hands-on practice in financial computation for real-world situations.

Financial Literacy informs and inspires learners about key economics and financial topics including entrepreneurship and career skills; money and personal finance; the role of government in financial and economic policy; trade and global economy; and market economy.

Financial Literacy includes resources to support and reinforce classroom instruction. Curriculum-correlated content supports Common Core state standards for English language arts (ELA) and mathematics; state standards for language arts, mathematics, and economics; and National Standards in Personal Finance Education as created by the Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy. Educators will also appreciate lesson plans, assessment, extension and enrichment activities, as well as the text-to-speech feature, printable research sheets, and article-specific glossaries.