Gale Literature: Contemporary Authors

Vendor: Gale
Library Type: Academic, Public, Special
Resource Type: Database
Subject/Category: Humanities

Gale Literature: Contemporary Authors offers your students and patrons continuous access to current biographical and bibliographical data on more than 164,500 modern authors. Each entry contains the most complete and up-to-date entry, accessible through an easy-to-use interface with a variety of search paths to help you locate the information you need quickly and efficiently. You can easily search for an author by name, title of work, subject/genre, nationality, date and place of birth, and much more.

All 770 volumes of Contemporary Authors and Contemporary Authors New Revision are included here. Select autobiographies written for the autobiographical series are also included. Ongoing entry updates and new entries are added monthly, with time sensitive updates made same-day. Included are author-provided updates, expanded entries, bibliographies, awards, and recent update information.