Issues & Controversies in History

Vendor: Infobase
Library Type: Academic, K-12, Public, Special
Resource Type: Database
Subject/Category: History

Issues & Controversies in History places students at the center of the great debates and conflicts in U.S. and world history, exploring the issues as the key players saw them, or, in some cases, as historians have interpreted them. Covering every region of the globe from antiquity to the present, this comprehensive reference database features hundreds of in-depth pro/con articles–all written by professional historians and experts–each based on a broad range of primary sources. It delivers dynamic, concise, and balanced articles on every major historical topic, from slavery, empire, and revolution to race, gender, and economics. Many articles feature “what if” questions, speculating on how history might have turned out differently had people made different decisions. Carefully indexed and easy to navigate, Issues & Controversies in History is an ideal resource for helping students answer document-based questions, prepare for debates, and write research papers.