Nexis Uni

Vendor: LexisNexis
Library Type: Academic, Public, Special
Resource Type: Database, Journals
Subject/Category: Business, Citation / Research Tools, General & Interdisciplinary, Political Science, Social Science

Explore more than 17,000 news, business, and legal sources in our Nexis Uni® academic research database.

Librarians can offer an academic search engine with rich content: Whether librarians are mentoring freshmen on how to conduct research or recommending scholarly journals to more advanced researchers, having an academic research database students want to use makes your job easier.

Students can perform academic research faster: Having grown up Googling for answers to any question, today’s students expect their academic research platform to offer the same convenience and ease-of-use—whether they’re writing research papers or working on group projects.

A university research tool that delivers trustworthy content: Fake news and sponsored content make finding credible sources for students difficult. With 17,000 news, business, and legal sources, Nexis Uni helps students write research assignments that use trustworthy citations.

Nexis Uni is an easy-to-use academic search engine. It delivers relevant content that makes scholarly research more efficient, and it provides personalization, discovery, and collaboration features that students and university faculty want in a student research tool.