Polling the Nations

Vendor: Infobase
Library Type: Academic, K-12, Public, Special
Resource Type: Database
Subject/Category: Political Science
Website: https://www.infobase.com/products/polling-the-nations/

Polling the Nations is a critically acclaimed online database of public opinion polls. Aggregated from more than 1,000 sources, the polls feature 750,000+ poll questions covering hundreds of breaking-news events and thousands of topics, including climate change, health care, elections and voting rights, foreign policy, immigration, gun control, affirmative action, criminal justice reform, and many more. The clean, intuitive design and powerful, interactive tools provide users with great flexibility to customize and organize the information exactly as they wish.

Polling the Nations brings together thousands of polls going back more than a third of a century, giving students the tools they need to investigate, analyze, and think critically about the important challenges facing the world—a must-have database for any institution.