Vendor: SAGE
Library Type: Academic, Public, Special
Resource Type: Reference
Subject/Category: General & Interdisciplinary, Technology

Learn from the single largest repository of harmonized and structured data available to libraries. Easily search, compare, visualize and analyze, all on one platform.

Sage Data, powered by Data Planet, saves time and effort by providing a single platform to quickly find, explore, visualize, and share detailed data from the most trusted source providers. With its multidisciplinary and global scope, it can be used in any setting from independent research to classroom instruction.

Advantages of using Sage Data: • Access 550+ U.S. and international databases through one central searchable platform • Find detailed locale and business data with multiple search and browse options • View continuous updates for daily, weekly, monthly, and annual datasets as data is released by the source providers • Create custom data visualizations such as maps and trend charts to extract insight more easily • Master essential data literacy concepts with Data Basics, a reference library that offers guidance on working with statistics

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