SAGE Reference & Academic Books

Vendor: SAGE
Library Type: Academic, Public, Special
Resource Type: Ebooks / Audiobooks, Reference
Subject/Category: General & Interdisciplinary, Social Science

Learn from the ultimate social sciences digital library, with scholarly texts, reference works, handbooks, and professional development titles.

Thousands of titles from world-class authors are available at your fingertips in this easy-to-use digital platform. Carefully selected works include academic and supplementary titles that contribute to the knowledge base of students and researchers, foundational books in core areas of research and debate, accessible reference works, and practical professional titles.

Advantages of using Sage Reference & Academic Books: • Focus on key concepts with a variety of titles specifically chosen to align with current courses • Spark new ideas with Sage Recommends, which suggests additional, relevant content across Sage products • Easily save and download citations in all major formats to save time and stay focused • Choose from diverse search options, including quick search, advanced search, and search within the chapter/entry or within the title

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