Teen Cybersmarts

Vendor: Rosen
Library Type: K-12, Public
Resource Type: Ebooks / Audiobooks
Subject/Category: Education, General & Interdisciplinary
Website: https://www.rosenpublishing.com/product/teen-cybersmarts

Teen Cybersmarts is a one-time purchase—you will own the interactive ebooks forever!

Five interactive eBooks for grades 7-12 will simulate a real-life Internet experience within the safety of an instructional, guided, and fun platform. In an era where so much of our communication exists in the online world, it's sometimes easy for teens to feel invulnerable and forget the risks associated with interacting online.

The goal of this series is to create savvy cybercitizens who don't fear the Internet, but can make informed and sophisticated decisions every time they sign on. Each book covers today's hot topic issues, including cyberbullying, online predators, social networking, privacy, and online games. Realistic chat scenarios, friend requests, and e-mails plunge users into the online world. Teens will create avatars, choose status updates, and be receptive learners as they actively engage with and participate in the program. For example, Stopping Cyberbullying shows users how to deal with online bullying, including how to respond to (or ignore) a bully and turning to an adult for help, while Using Social Networks focuses on creating a secure online profile and making smart choices about sharing information online.

These innovative interactive eBooks can be projected on a whiteboard, bringing the entire class in on the discussion. In-classroom learning tools include lesson plans, reproducibles, research sheets, and more. Additional eBook features include embedded safety tips; vocabulary terms defined in context; sidebars that further explore important or high-interest material; and credible, vetted resources to find help or get more information.