Transparent Language Online for K12

Vendor: Transparent Language
Library Type: K-12
Resource Type: Database
Subject/Category: World Languages

Transparent Language Online, a complete language learning solution, offers an extensive language portfolio and learning framework. Transparent Language Online supports your institution’s language needs in 110+ languages, including English for speakers of more than 30 native languages, using comprehensive language courses designed for independent study. Prepare your students to thrive in a multilingual world.

Flip your language classroom, provide supplemental learning materials in the computer lab, or offer classes in new languages. Students feel empowered to use language in the classroom when exposed to the four main language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

• ESL/ELL resources • Build globally minded students • Provide languages not offered in the formal curriculum • Provide supplemental resources for existing curriculum • Support adult-education programs

Your whole institution benefits from Transparent Language Online’s learning methodology:

• Students benefit from a declarative learning methodology, equipping them with lifelong language skills. • Instructors complement classroom time with supplemental solutions for their language labs, manage classes of students and assignments, and encourage independent self-study. • Administrators access a robust dashboard where they can customize system setup and run reports to gauge utilization and learning. • Institutional/District-wide Leaders develop learning opportunities outside the classroom for staff, parents, and the wider community.